CRC Leadership Team

Ellen Faran
President & CFO

Ellen’s retirement avocation is helping individuals and families who are dealing with mental health conditions. Throughout her career she held senior positions in book and journal publishing including serving as Director of the MIT Press from 2003-2015. Ellen has a B.A. in English from Radcliffe College and an M.B.A from the Harvard Business School. She is a co-leader of NAMI’s Family-to-Family course.

Maggie Tyler
Director of Resources

Maggie’s dedication to volunteer work in mental health is enlivened by her new business development and marketing perspectives. She has 25 years’ management experience in the retail real estate industry including as founder of the Draper Group, LLC, in 2002.  Maggie holds a B.A in English from Boston University and a Certificate in Sustainability from the Harvard University Extension School.  She serves on the Board of Visitors and PFAC at McLean Hospital and is a founding member of the Women’s Mental Health Leadership Council at McLean.

Susie Kennan
Workforce Program Consultant

Susie’s extensive engagement across the mental health community informs her many contributions to CRC. She has been a Family Navigator at CRC since February 2019 and led CRC’s Workforce Development program starting in December 2019. Susie’s professional background includes 33 years in the hospitality industry. She has a B.S. from Cornell University’s School of Hotel Management and certificates in hotel management and entrepreneurship. She is a co-leader of NAMI’s Family-to-Family course and a member of DBSA Boston (Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance).